Dave has been really tired and sleepy all day today. His stomach was somewhat upset this morning. I made him drink one of those protein drink! He doesn't have much appetite since he started this new chemo regimen. He had mac and cheese for dinner, tried some meatloaf. He has been eating plums like crazy for the last few weeks. He's done with strawberries!
He had to take breakthrough pain meds for some discomfort around his shoulder (cancer pain) before I went to pick up Melissa ( 5:30 PM ) from school. She has a part on "Annie".
While Dave was getting his treatment on Monday, I was with Melissa at Walter Reed Medical Center. Her plastic surgeon said to just watch the break-out on her cheeck. He said that her face is looking really good. I have to take her back in May for the Craniofacial Conferrence which we go once a year for evaluation. The ENT has to set her up for a sleep apnea study. We have to see the Oral Surgeon so that he can work with Melissa's Orthodontist as a team since he is civilian. For our friends who is not familiar with Melissa's medical history, she was born with hemi-facial microsomia ( her left jaw is not complete). Her first surgery was when she was 4 months old to repair a cleft-lip (on the left side, not in the middle as the usual cleft- lips), then when she was 4 years old, on her jaw. She had a plastic surgery in August of '05. She might be getting braces as soon as her Orthodontist and the Oral Surgeon meet as a team. Her next major surgery will be an oral surgery when is 16 years old. Please include her in your thoughts and prayers as she faces a lot of difficult times as a teenager. Danica is trying hard to get A's and B's as her ticket for San Diego to see her friends!
:) edith
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