Dave is back to the hospital fighting for some kind of infection. Last Monday, driving back home from Va., he noticed that the back of his left hand was bright red. He went for his chemo treatment on Tuesday and was told that he has cellulitis in his hand. He was given Augmentin for it but on Wed. he started running a fever. We went to the ER that night-- lab tests and X-rays were done, was given antibiotics through IV, stopped Augmentin but was given clendomycin and was sent home. The fever didn't go away and he was having chills. He noticed yesterday that his legs were swollen and painful but we just waited to see his oncologist this morning since he had a follow up check for the ER visit.
Had a lot of test done all day long. He had ultrasound in his legs to check for blood clots as I was so anxious to know what were those stuff that the tech was marking. Thank God, there was no blood clots! (As we were getting ready to go for the ultra sound, Dr. Berenstein gave me a penny that she just found on the floor at the Oncology clinic. She said, " Here's a penny that I just picked up from the floor. I'll put it in your pocket, for no blood clot". She just reached into my coat pocket.)
He also had CT scan in the head and abdomen, more blood tests, blood culture and at 10:00 PM we headed downstairs again for chest X-ray which sent Dave up the wall. ( He had chest X-ray on Wed while at the ER.)
He had spinal tap at 4:00 PM and I had to hold his hand! I had to see that mile long needle ( 4 or 5 inches long ) that the doctor used to collect fluid. Well, had seen much worse I guessed. He had a cyst on his back months ago and he made me hold his hand again while the doctor was cutting it or making incisions (sounds better than cutting). I had to close one eye but had to leave the other eye open so that I could see what the doctor was doing. Had to watch it being packed with like a yard long of ribbon (don't know what it's called ) and I had to pull it out a few days later.
Before I left the hospital tonight, the nurse was saying that doctors were leaning towards cellulitis in Dave's legs. Meningitis was ruled out and more test were sent to Walter Reed Army Medical Center.
Dave is also being so worried that I might lose my job because I'm taking a lot of days off lately. He is so worried that we might lose everything. I just told him that he has to read his Bible more often.
I had to go home to catch up on some sleep. It's 3: am so I better go to bed. Gotta go back to the hospital in the morning. Please hold Dave in your thoughts and prayers.
Thank so much,
Dear Edith, I hope Dave is feeling much better - he's had such a rough time of it. Caroline and I agree all the time --- you are an angel. You and Dave are in our prayers.
Suzie West (Caroline Stoufer's big sister)
Dear Edith-
Sending our love, prayers, and best wishes to you and Dave. I hope he feels better soon. Thinking of you always.
-Caroline Stoufer
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