It has been a very hot summer and the humidity is suffocating here Maryland. Dave had been feeling great for the last few weeks but he is bored thathe started doing work around the yard. We painted our neighbor's fence that devides our property and he decided to take down the chain link fence. One morning he woke up feeling sick but he still managed a trip to Home Depot and bought more paint for the shed. He was painting the shed in the middle of the day in a 100 degree temperature. I had to give him my checks that I made extra for drop-in-care to make him go in the house.The next day he said that he needed to do more works outside but I told him that he could go ahead because I didn't have anymore checks to give.
We didn't go to Va. last weekend so we spent the day crabbing. Thank goodness we left the girls at home because there two boys around crabbing with their dad that day! It must have been a disaster with teenagers around. Last Sunday, he was feeling really low. He and his oncologist decided to take him off the fentanyl patch. But I got him to power washed the outside toys and I guessed he didn't have enough toys to wash because he power washed his leg too! A mosquito was biting him and he just aimed that nozzle on his leg giving him a bruise. He went for his chemo treatment last Monday, July 31. He was feeling fine and bored so we had to go outside and work after I was done withdaycare. We had to dig out several chain link post. Last Tuesday, the weather was really hot but I couldn't keep him in the house. We had to cut a stump with a chain link fence in it. His body couldn't take the beating anymore and had a heat stroke. He's been sick but this morning he went tothe hardware store and bought a wire cutter. He stayed in the shed for a while cutting some wires that I'm not sure if he really needs it. It's hard to take care of a husband, (I wanted to give him back to his Mom but Angie said to keep him)!
On the other hand, Danica's friend Aundrea, is visiting from California so they have been really busy. They are helping with VBS this week at church and going out at night- the mall, the movies, shopping, walking around down town. Danica is really good at keeping her curfew. She reminds us all the time that she is now 17 years old but Dave told her that she doesn't have to keep on reminding us because we were there when she was born! They knocked at that door at exactly 10 pm! I have been interviewing some boys for the last week and I am running out of things to ask. I had to give a bottle of cold water to this boy yesterday afternoon who walked up to our house to see Danica since she wasn't offering him anything todrink. I couldn't invite him in the house because it was naptime. I need my quite moments too! One good thing though, he is not Danica's type! He doesn't drive! Thank you for all your thoughts, concerns and prayers. We need them!
Love, The Hoskins
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