After all of the lab tests, CT scans, ultra-sounds and a spinal tap, Dave was sent home after a night of stay at the hospital. He had cellulitis in both legs and his left hand. He is feeling a lot better now after a 10 day course of antibiotics.
He doesn't have any good taste of food lately but I had to make him eat. Last night we had grilled chicken thighs and he had a few, with rice, corn and tortilla. Before I left for my hair appt.tonight, had to put steak on the grill so that he could eat dinner. He didn't feel like eating but I had to remind him that spring is on it's way and if he wants to fish all the tournaments and work, he has to eat. He finished a steak and more rice!
A lady saw his "power washing" sign and she called last Sunday. Dave went to see the house as soon as we got home from VA. He was so excited to go out and work that he couldn't wait another day. He had to take Danica with him to power wash the house. It was so windy and cold! (He is always cold.) He said that if I was there I would be screaming and yelling because he was all the way up the ladder with the Danica holding it. The lady only wanted one side of the house wash. (What a relief!)
We had a good day last Saturday. Dave was feeling good so we went on different directions. He went with John to Lynchburg to buy more fishing stuff and I went to Danville on my own. I spent a few hours at Wal-Mart, did some shopping for my daycare and went to the mall. Dave needed a new cell phone (had to go all the way to Va to get it). It was a much needed break for me.
I didn't get enough of that weekend break so I called my hairdresser yesterday. Lucky me, he had cancellation so he was able go get me in at 6:45 tonight. I didn't realize that the last time I saw him was in Sept. I had to confess the truth, I cheated! I went to see Ruth's hairdresser in Nov. before going to our trip to Boston.
Dave has been working on his fishing stuff in between hospital visits and Virginia trips. The man owns more fishing stuff than a tackle store! He bought a new fishing lure last Saturday which costs $30. He said that it's a new shipment and nobody owns like it yet. Just imagine, getting that lure in the weeds. He'll go insane!
He is getting ready for his fishing tournaments and more on his power washing jobs. We are in the process of getting our kitchen remodelled and he suggested that we should take the kitchen apart to save money. His brain is just running a thousand miles an hour! I told him that I didn't want to save any money and to just leave my kitchen alone! I could see us yelling at each other which could be a good theraphy, I guessed! Banging at those cupboards and counters! Not much effort to put in, the kitchen itself is falling apart :)
Thank you so much to everybody who thinks that I am an angel in Dave's life. The truth is, I am just a plain old wife who is more protective than an old chicken! The young corpsmen and civilian nurses couldn't stand me when I'm with Dave at the hospital. Everytime that they give his meds, I have to check it. I have to get up, "What are you giving him? It's not time for his antibiotics, he just got it at 6:30! How many ml. is that? He gets 300 ml. But the computer said 150. Well, here's the bottle!, Are you very confident in sticking that needle in his arm?") The last time that he was at the hospital, the corpsman was about to throw away the antibiotics because the computer said that it was DC'd (discontinued, something I learned for staying at the hospital). I had to get out of the couch. "Don't you throw that! He needs that! That's his lifeline!" I had to make her name all the meds that she was about to give him.
Barbie and Angie said that they wanted me to take care of them. Can't handle anymore Hoskins. One is more than enough. They are way too spoiled!
Your thoughts and prayers are so much appreciated. Please continue praying for strength, physically and mentally for Dave to fight the good fight.
The girls are doing just fine. Danica is still working at Pizza Hut and Melissa just got over an infection.
I am hanging in there! Raising everybody else's babies. My baby turned 9 mos. last week. She doesn't cry anymore but doesn't take a long nap just like the other kids (30min. morning and lucky if I could get an hour nap in PM). I really have to work for my money. She is very smart. She sits on the carpet with the older children during circle time. One of my old clients called a month ago saying that they are going to have a baby due in Sept., asking if I have a spot for them in Nov. After talking to the husband, I realized that they just got pregnant!
Well, have to go to bed. They're calling for a snow here tonight. I might get a day off tomorrow!
It is good to hear that David is doing better after the antibiotika treatment.
Take care
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