It's been three long months! We've been back to Va. twice since then and we will go back next week for Thanksgiving. The girls and I decided that we should be moving sooner than what Dave and I had planned. We're supposed to stay here in Maryland until Melissa is done with her surgery (orthonetic) which will be next summer, when she turns 16 years old but it's lonely here. All of my in-laws want us to get moving--they worry too much! We will just have to look for a new Oral Surgeon and a Cranio-facial Team. Melissa needs a break anyways, hang out with her cousins before starting a new school.
Dave and I had purchased 3 lots in a new subdivision in Va. last Feb. and we will be building our house on 2 of the lots. We will be 10 minutes away from Barbie and 7 min. from the city of Danville, which is great! Hope we could get started early next year.
I've started volunteering at church for "Wonderful Wednesdays" for an hour, Bible study for the kids. I need Wonderful Wednesdays myself. It's been so hard but I have to function for the girls. I have a list to do before putting our house in the market but I just don't know where to start. Harrison (the puppy) is keeping me busy--he likes taking me for a walk even if it's raining. Thank goodness, he is little--when he gets tired, he wouldn't move so I have to carry him.
After receiving Dave's insurance from the navy, they set me up with a Financial Advisor, which is a free service. (They don't want there service member's funds to be spent in vain.) They even have to pay for a local financial advisor to meet with me at home. I don't like talking to my CPA/finacial advisor, he gives me a headache! So, I have to find an new CPA to do my taxes next year. I have an old guy advisor from Morgan Stanley whom I've never met, decided don't like him too. I'll just do it on my own! Got nothing better to do anyways. The Financial Advisor called me yesterday and he said that he is preparing a financial plan for me 'till I reached the age of 90. I told him that I couldn't wait that long.
We finally ordered Dave's headstone and mine last month when we were in Va. He asked me if I could put my name with his, so I am going to have it done. Our picture together will be put on the headstone. Jocelyn said that it's not fair because if I die when I'm old and wrinkled, my picture on the headstone will always be young. Well, it's just one way of looking at the bright side.
I hope that you all have a very nice "Thanksgiving Holiday". I will be going shopping with my sisters-in-law on Wednesday and Danica said that I should take her shopping on Black Friday, buy her anything she wants since I'm making her stay in Va. for a week. I better get me a J-O-B, soon!
Dear Edith,
Dave and/or your family once responded to a blog written by my friend, Caroline Stoufer, who also recently died. I'm working to compile her blog into a keepsake book for her family and friends, and I was wondering if I could include your responses. I don't want the book to sound like she never had responses, that she was writing alone, and some of the responses also contain medical information that might help other people with the same cancer. Would you mind if I include the comments that your family posted to her blog? I'll certainly understand if you say no. You just let me know. I'm thinking about you very much right now. I am heartsick to learn that so many of the people who responded to Caroline's blog early on have also passed on. This is a much needed life lesson for me. Sincerely, Jill Patterson
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